Mary Sauerbrey, Sun Valley Map Company
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Mary Sauerbrey
Sun Valley Map Company
I arrived in Sun Valley back in 1981, instantly falling in love with the snow-covered mountains, free flowing rivers and a close community of adventurous locals. Sun Valley is rich in history and charm, and like so many others, the longer I stayed the clearer it was I’d found home.
In 1987, upon returning from a year of travel abroad by bicycle, I joined my good friend in publishing the ‘original’ Sun Valley Discovery Map and spent the next decade developing Discovery Maps throughout the West.
2022 marks the 34th edition of the Sun Valley Discovery Map and it still brings me joy to see the reaction of visitors when they are given a Discovery Map and begin to explore. People comment that having a Discovery Map in hand is like having a personal tour guide to show you the ‘lay of the land’ along with the ‘local favorites’.
Come visit and see for yourself!
Continue exploring Sun Valley
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